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Sat May 10 1:00pm - 3:00pm
O3DE Pre-alpha landscape test -- Sandbox1 128/128/160 Note the delay to May. The next release of O3DE, 24.09.2, is in May and it has some significant improvements that are worth waiting for.
Testing the O3DE terrain and landscaping Gems. If you are interested in taking a peek at the very first look (mostly unfinished), login to the website then set the reminder on this event to place yourself on the list. This is an Invitation only to DG local accounts.
This early preview of the new world is going to be a walk-through. The purpose of this visit is to see how it works for people with their different computers. It will give me an idea what needs to be optimized.
You will choose from one or two predefined avatars before entering. Voice and text chat should be available. Inventory and rezzing will not be available at this time. It will arrive later. I'll try to have streaming working by then, and if so, I'll find someone to DJ the event. —— posted by Balpien Hammerer ——
Once Present: 1 {"owneruuid":"76360ebe-f75b-4fe9-ba34-045e9d5d4029","name":"O3DE Pre-alpha landscape test","eventid":"5419","creatoruuid":"76360ebe-f75b-4fe9-ba34-045e9d5d4029","category":"29","description":"Note the delay to May. The next release of O3DE, 24.09.2, is in May and it has some significant improvements that are worth waiting for.\r\n\r\nTesting the O3DE terrain and landscaping Gems. If you are interested in taking a peek at the very first look (mostly unfinished), login to the website then set the reminder on this event to place yourself on the list. This is an Invitation only to DG local accounts.\r\n\r\nThis early preview of the new world is going to be a walk-through. The purpose of this visit is to see how it works for people with their different computers. It will give me an idea what needs to be optimized. \r\n\r\nYou will choose from one or two predefined avatars before entering. Voice and text chat should be available. Inventory and rezzing will not be available at this time. It will arrive later. I\u0027ll try to have streaming working by then, and if so, I\u0027ll find someone to DJ the event.","dateUTC":"1746907200","duration":"120","covercharge":"0","coveramount":"0","simname":"Sandbox1","parcelUUID":"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000","globalPos":"\u003C232064,252544,160\u003E","eventflags":"513","locX":"231936","locY":"252416","UUID":"1b8daac2-b2ea-4284-88ad-66fc5d4aec17","OwnerName":"Balpien Hammerer","recurs":"0","regionID":"1b8daac2-b2ea-4284-88ad-66fc5d4aec17","localPos":"\u003C128,128,160\u003E","dateLocal":"2025-05-10 13:00:00","dateEnding":"0000-01-01","img_mime":"image\/jpeg","Reminders":"10","Present":"1","img":"","desc_html":"Note the delay to May\u0026period; The next release of O3DE\u0026comma; 24\u0026period;09\u0026period;2\u0026comma; is in May and it has some significant improvements that are worth waiting for\u0026period;\r\u003Cbr \/\u003E\r\u003Cbr \/\u003ETesting the O3DE terrain and landscaping Gems\u0026period; If you are interested in taking a peek at the very first look \u0026lpar;mostly unfinished\u0026rpar;\u0026comma; login to the website then set the reminder on this event to place yourself on the list\u0026period; This is an Invitation only to DG local accounts\u0026period;\r\u003Cbr \/\u003E\r\u003Cbr \/\u003EThis early preview of the new world is going to be a walk-through\u0026period; The purpose of this visit is to see how it works for people with their different computers\u0026period; It will give me an idea what needs to be optimized\u0026period; \r\u003Cbr \/\u003E\r\u003Cbr \/\u003EYou will choose from one or two predefined avatars before entering\u0026period; Voice and text chat should be available\u0026period; Inventory and rezzing will not be available at this time\u0026period; It will arrive later\u0026period; I\u0026apos;ll try to have streaming working by then\u0026comma; and if so\u0026comma; I\u0026apos;ll find someone to DJ the event\u0026period;\u003Cbr \/\u003E\u003Cimg src=\u0027images\/GoIcon.png\u0027 width=\u002715%\u0027 onmousedown=\u0027selectevent(event,\u0022ej1\u0022,1)\u0027 style=\u0027cursor:alias\u0027\u003E —— \u003Ci\u003Eposted by Balpien Hammerer\u003C\/i\u003E —— \u003Cimg src=\u0027images\/ShareIcon.png\u0027 width=\u00277%\u0027 title=\u0027Click for event link\nhttps:\/\/\u0027onmousedown=\u0027CopyContent(this,\u0022https:\/\/\u0022)\u0027 style=\u0027cursor:copy\u0027\u003E ","date":"2025-05-10","time":"13:00","regionPos":"128\/128\/160"}
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