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Support Tickets     

Click on a ticket summary to see the ticket details. Note that a closed ticket can be reopened by replying to it.

File a Support Ticket

Need help, fill out the form below to file a support ticket. Enter a subject that best describes your problem and tell us what happened. Click on the (Submit Ticket) button to send it to our concierge staff. We’ll notify you by IM and offline email.

If you want to learn how to fix common problems, click here: Common Problems

If you have a local avatar account, please LOGIN first. After logging in, you will be returned to this support page.

If you file without logging in, your ticket will treated as a login or entry problem. Local residents, please enter your avatar name and email address (so that we can get back to you). Hypergrid visitors, please enter your avatar name @ home grid name (URI), and email address. Click on the (Submit Ticket) button to file your support ticket to our concierge staff.

  • Submit Ticket