Region Tier Policy
When you purchase a region from Discovery Grid you are leasing server space for a given amount of
virtual space, prim equivalents, and the services to support the region.
Your first monthly tier payment is due upon purchase (it is part of the purchase process). Thereafter,
you agree to pay a monthly tier which is due on one of four billing cycles.
The billing cycles are on the 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd of the month.
The 2nd payment is due the next month, but it will be moved to the billing cycle after the purchase
date. Thereafter your tier is due the same day of each month.
For example, if your region was purchased on the 7th of the month, the next tier will be billed
on the 8th of the following month. If your region was purchased on the 24th of the month the next
tier will become due on the 1st of the following month.
The automated billing system will send your avatar a courtesy reminder instant message 4 days
before the bill is due. If you are not online when the message is sent, the reminder is sent to
your avatar account's email address. Note that you always are responsible to pay your tier on
time even if the reminder does not get to you.
If your bill is overdue by 3 days, you will be sent an overdue reminder notice. If the bill
is overdue by 7 days, your region will be shut down but not removed. However, it will not be
accessible until the overdue tier payment has been made. Paying the overdue tier will start
your region. None of your region content is lost or returned.
If your bill is overdue by 30 days or greater, your region will be archived, removed from the grid,
and an OAR will be created to save its contents. This OAR will be kept no longer than 60 days.
You can have your region recreated and its contents restored by paying a restoration fee and the
original late tier fee. We cannot guarantee the region will be placed in the same location if
another region has been placed there in the interim.
Acceptance of the Discovery Grid Terms of Service
When you log into the grid via any method, you agree to all the above TOS.